Wednesday, November 26, 2008

D. I. E.

Stephen Schapiro visited my workplace yesterday to talk about his life's work: photography. Schapiro is an acclaimed photojournalist, turning out classic documentary shots during the turbulent 1960s.

He shared his most favorite photographs from his career. It was fascinating to learn the lengths he went to get a shot (diving straight through the legs of other photographers to capture Jackie O. in a low-angle shot, or defying the sheriff's orders to vacate during a civil rights march).

What elevates a photograph from documentation to art? His advice:

D = design (a classic photograph has great composition)
I = information (it conveys information)
E = emotion (it triggers an emotional response)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a non-violent revolution

image by Patrick Moberg, and snagged from Brad Kay

Friday, October 17, 2008


frazier&wing make these gorgeous mobiles. They're a bit softer and more floaty than the "traditional" Atomic Age mobiles like Alexander Calder's:

photo from

If I had the time, I would build a mobile... maybe after the terrarium!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

a first time for everything.

"Why are mother cat and kitten warfare?
"just taken kitten spinal column after 4 weeks now mother and kitten save fighting one another. What should i do?"

"Answers: mummy cat does not recognise her kitten, it's a
short time ago another cat to her, separate them when you can not watch them they might swot to to friends"

Thank you for your garbled English.

Why do I love the thought of "kitten warfare" and why does it make a good blog name? I have no idea! I will not be writing about Engrish, kittens, or warfare. But welcome, anyway.

(With apologies to, which is an adorable and addictive website.)